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Judging Criteria

3 men standing holding a trophy

The United States Karaoke Association follows the guidelines of the International Karaoke Federation (IKF) International Scoring System:


  • Technical Score (50% of Overall Score):

    • Pitch Accuracy: Judges evaluate the singer's ability to hit and maintain accurate pitch throughout the performance.

    • Rhythm and Timing: Assessment of the singer's ability to stay on beat and maintain a consistent tempo.

    • Vocal Range and Control: Judges consider the singer's range, dynamics, and ability to control their voice across various registers.

    • Articulation and Diction: Evaluation of how clearly the singer enunciates words and phrases.

    • Resonance and Tone Quality: Assessment of the singer's tone production and the richness of their vocal timbre.


  • Artistic Score (50% of Overall Score):

    • Interpretation and Expression: Judges evaluate the singer's ability to convey emotion and connect with the audience through their performance.

    • Stage Presence and Charisma: Assessment of the singer's confidence, poise, and engagement with the audience.

    • Creativity and Originality: Evaluation of the singer's ability to bring a unique and innovative approach to their performance.

    • Musicality and Phrasing: Assessment of the singer's ability to interpret the music, including dynamics, phrasing, and musical nuances.

    • Emotional Impact: Judges consider the overall emotional impact and effectiveness of the singer's performance in conveying the intended message or mood.


  • Points Awarded:

    • Each category (Technical and Artistic) is scored separately out of 50 points, with a total of 100 points possible.

    • Judges assign scores based on the quality of the performance relative to established criteria.

    • Scores should be given in whole numbers or half-points to allow for more precise evaluation.

    • Judges should provide constructive feedback along with their scores to help singers understand areas for improvement.

    • Judges may use the ISS scale to determine scoring:

      • 20 & under - Low

      • 20 - 24 - Poor

      • 25 - 29 - Average

      • 30 - 39 - Very Good

      • 40 - 44 - Excellent

      • 45 - 49 - Outstanding

      • 50 - Perfect


  • Judging Criteria:

    • Judges should have expertise in vocal performance and music to effectively evaluate technical and artistic aspects.

    • Consistency among judges is crucial, so calibration sessions and clear guidelines should be provided before the competition.

    • Judges should assess each performance impartially, focusing solely on the singer's performance rather than external factors.


  • Transparency and Fairness:

    • Scores should be tabulated openly and made available to competitors and the audience.

    • Any discrepancies or concerns regarding judging should be addressed promptly and transparently.

    • The competition organizers should ensure fairness by providing equal opportunities and resources to all participants.


By adhering to these guidelines, the IKF International Scoring System aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of singers' performances, considering both technical proficiency and artistic expression, leading to fair and transparent competition outcomes.

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